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I'm so glad you are here

Updated: Sep 1, 2021

Welcome to my new website. I have wanted to do this for years, but life kept getting in the way. Now, as I step into my "gap year", I'm excited to share the adventures and wisdom I've acquired over the years. It's my intention that this website serve the following purposes:

  1. To share my travels and love of hitting the road exploring new places and seeing how other people live. Friends often say I am intrepid in my travels, but to me, it's the ultimate exercise in CURIOSITY. Whether you are ready to join me in far-away lands, or prefer to be an armchair traveler, my hope is that I can fill you up with the amazing beauty and diversity of our world.

  2. To offer coaching advice based on my decades in the workforce. I have seen it all: bad bosses, broken systems, toxic cultures. I'll be happy to teach you how to navigate all that and more.

  3. To empower you to live bravely and authentically. There are, at least, 8 million ways to live one's life. Sometimes we think we have no choices, but actually, we can get stuck because we have TOO MANY options. We cannot see the wood for the trees. I will work hard to support you on your journey to full empowerment, where you create the life you want every day.

  4. Lastly, for much of my life, people have said "write a book". What I think they mean by that is: share what you know and tell your stories to a bigger audience. I love to write, but like so many, I get stung by criticism. Every time I have published something, the critics come out, and I shut down. It's time to leave this habit behind. I hope by being vulnerable here that I will learn how to filter comments, keeping what is helpful, and discarding what is not. From you, I will learn.

Several years ago, a friend gave me a gift, stationery with the words "Live a Big Life" emblazoned across the top. It's become a motto to me, not to be afraid to live authentically, to do the things I most want to do, to show up at the finish line with no regrets. There are so many interesting people to meet, fascinating places to go, wondrous subjects to explore, and magical experiences in which to indulge. Let's not get trapped or stalled by what we "should" do, but rather embrace what we WANT to do.

So, in this, my first post here, I invite you to join me on this empowerment journey, to authentically show up and know that we are perfect as we come. Wherever life has brought you to date, from here forward, it's your choice, your decision. The runway isn't really that long. Let's live with intention; let's be the (s)heroes in our own personal stories. To quote Thoreau, let's "live deep and suck out all the marrow of life". Ready?

Photos: My recent National Park Road Trip. From upper left: hiking through a slot canyon in Zion, horses on the trail in Grand Teton, Grand Prismatic Spring at Yellowstone, kayakers at Banff National Park, hikers resting at Canyonlands, and the hotel at Lake Louise.


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