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Courage Is The Power To Let Go Of The Familiar

Updated: Sep 1, 2021

As we approach the end of the decade, it’s good to pause to remember all that has transpired over the last ten years. My guess is your life looks remarkably different than it did in 2009. Perhaps you’ve lost loved ones. Maybe you moved. It’s possible your children have grown up and left home. And surely, you’ve changed jobs. I’ve experienced all of that and then some. W’ve all had traumas and trials, successes and spectacular wins. We come out the end of the decade changed. And again, we begin. Welcome, 2020.

It may surprise no one to learn that my #1 StrengthsFinders quality is FUTURIST. The future fascinates me; it’s so real to me that it continually pulls me forward. That’s why I love thinking about new beginnings – what can we achieve, how high can we go, how can we improve our world? It’s sometimes hard to stay positive in our current climate; there are so many things to worry about: climate change, misogyny, racism, poverty, homelessness, addiction, depression, etc. All we can do is focus on ourselves, and “be the change we wish to see.” I’m looking forward to a decade of growing, of learning more about our world and my role within it. In 2020, I hope for the following:


The older I get, the quieter the harsh voices (the judge, the critic) in my head. I’m better able to hear my own true voice, and to follow its direction. I care less about what other society dictates, and care far more about what fills me up. I’ve learned that nature is my sanctuary, and I’d like to spend far more time amongst the trees, plants, animals, and oceans. Feeling connected to “all that is” relaxes and re-energizes me. I care little for “stuff”, so if you see me in the same outfit, driving my 20-year-old car, without the latest gadget or designer whatever, know that’s an intentional choice. Our planet is dying and each of us has to decide each day whether we will aid in its recovery or its destruction. I will work hard to shop wisely. I have strong feelings about “voting with my wallet”, which is why I try and support small local businesses rather than huge corporations, and why I look for firms that care about the environment as well as their employees. I hope, also, that this website becomes a place where I can capture my thoughts and grow my understanding of how we can all be more authentic.


I am deeply troubled by the divisions in our world today. When we all cheered the micro-communities of the internet (“oh look, a FB group that is for women over 40 who travel solo!), we did not realize that this fragmenting into groups could also pitch us against one another. We are awash in identity politics, and "cancel" those who think differently. Sadly, there is little tolerance for our ability to evolve on an issue. We have become strident, and worse, intolerant, dropping friends because of political views, and watching our elected officials do nothing but shout. My travels always tell me that we have far more in common than apart. We all want the same things – Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs – but the media and our politicians benefit from having us in divided camps, filled with outrage. My hope for the next decade is that I can lean deeply into tolerance and acceptance, seeing each individual as a beautiful soul, full of complexity and goodness, and that is really doesn’t matter in the slightest if we have different tastes in music or food or come from different places. Let’s just assume we all want a better world.


My wish for you is the same as I have for myself: that we life our lives with intention. I hope your head is clear, your inner voice strong, and your actions in alignment with your words. May you pursue the things, and focus on the people, that are important to you. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. May you (and this one is crucial to me because I REALLY struggle with it) take care of the amazing vessel that is your human body, loving the strength it gives you to experience life, and nourishing it daily with healthy food, activity, sleep, and self-care. And may we each live more gently, honoring Mother Earth and using her precious resources with kindness. We are in crisis, and this decade will require us to make significant choices about our water, food, energy, and environment. While those in power continue to argue about what’s best, what I know for sure is that each of us can have an impact by living smaller, walking more/driving less, avoiding non-recyclables, repairing items rather than replacing them, and eating a diet that supports our planet. If you want to understand how you are doing with your carbon footprint (plus get ideas for improvement), go here.

We have three more weeks to go before the clock flips over to the next decade. It’s a good time to reflect on what we have learned in the past ten years, and what we hope to learn in the next ten years, should we be so lucky. I welcome your feedback to this post, especially your own goals for the years ahead. May we all experience more peace and love in the future.

Photo Captions: Sculpture at the South Pasadena Metro Station (moved 2017), toasting and traveling (2018), Joey's high school graduation (2011), my mom (passed 2017), my dog (passed 2016).


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