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Asking For Your Help

For many years, dear friends have encouraged me to write a book. I do love to write, but honestly, this one has been on my New Year’s Resolution list for decades and remains “undone”. Since “write a book” is once again part of my annual January wish list, I thought I would reach out for help, to get me moving, inspired and excited. The challenge is less about being disciplined enough to write, and more about not knowing what to write (first!). So I thought I would ask this community. Three ideas come to me:

1) A self-help book. This could be linked to my career as a people leader, and the lessons I’ve learned from managing others, either directly, or through my coaching clients. This would be a book for those who struggle to manage their team. Other self-help options where I feel qualified to instruct include a book about financial independence and/or how to travel to ensure the best results.

2) A memoir. Yes, I’ve had some interesting experiences, whether it be single parenthood, family dysfunctions and lots of travels. Like many memoirists, I’ve had several betrayals, life surprises, and rich experiences. I have not read that many memoirs, so this one would take some learning to know about the market and what people want to read. I especially think I could help those who experience a deep betrayal that changes their entire existence.

3) A novel. I’ve had the idea in my head to fictionalize my maternal grandmother’s life story for decades. She had a fascinating and troubling life, so typical of someone who came from Eastern Europe through Ellis Island. This book could be populated with people I’ve known, but adapting their stories to be more compelling and relatable whatever one’s experience. There are stories to be told about Los Angeles as an emerging city in the 1920s, and how the immigrant experience from 100 years ago relates to today.

So, my friends, my question to you is which of these three types of book would YOU be most interested in reading. My hope is to write something that inspires the reader, that helps one achieve one’s dreams, getting past fears and stepping boldly into the future. I think any of these formats could allow for that, but honestly, I am just stuck in knowing how to choose. So I hope you will help me. And of course, if any of these topics really speak to you, please, let’s have a conversation about that. My deepest gratitude for your assistance. I promise, once decided, I will make my resolution this year

3 Yorum

09 Oca 2023


Please forgive me for answering your question with a question or two. What is your heart calling you to write and why? Are you being compelled to write because you have a story in your heart that you want the world to hear? Or is writing a book just a means to an end?

Based on my experience, if one's heart isn't committed, reaching the goal will be very difficult.


08 Oca 2023

Oh … this is so hard. I’d love to read any of these genres. IF I had to choose… it would be a memoir. I’d love to read more about you! ❤️❤️


08 Oca 2023

Milinda, you are not limited to writing just one book! With this thought in mind, I've likely made your indecision even more complicated. Sorry about that. Because I know you (a bit), for me the memoir and the novel would lure me toward reading a book that you author. The memoir interests me because I can relate to your outline of "betrayals, life surprises, and rich experiences." I would be keen to learn how you've dealt with and grown from each of those, which, in turn, could very well proof helpful to this reader. Similarly, a novel based on people we know can be compelling and historically insightful. (Just finished the excellent historical novel based on a Montana famil…

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